Junior cars were designed as promotional items for the manufacturers and dealerships to help sell their cars – picture Little Johnny or Jane seeing one of these in the dealership window and then begging mom and dad to take them to the dealership for a ride.  Some dealerships were sneaky enough to take the Junior cars to the local schools thus instigating the visit to the dealership.

Ford started with the Thunderbird by Powercar bringing on the Mercury Junior and Edsel Youngstar by Donalson and of course the Mustang Juniors again by Powercar.  The Chrysler group had their Fury and Desoto Firemites.  Chevrolet had Corvettes made by Yardman and Barry Toycraft.

We have restored them all including Fire Chief cars by Powercar and Divco delivery trucks by Robel and Amroc.

Not only do these look great, but we also get them running and lit up just like they used to – frame up restorations of Junior Cars!

For more information on Powercars, visit Junior Central – Lee Exline’s excellent website.

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